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Researchers have long wondered how high cholesterol levels can affect people’s bodies. But new research says LDL cholesterol may be the culprit in this type of chronic disease. Credit Jason Levenen, National Institutes of Health

But researchers have long wondered how high cholesterol levels may affect people’s bodies.

This study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, used data obtained from blood plasma.

The study, involving 2,400 participants of all ages, found that the highest cholesterol content in the LDL particle was 4.3 times that seen in patients with CVD, and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes.

However, this wasn’t the only link between rising LDL cholesterol risk and risk for various conditions, like asthma or cancer.

Lead author David McAdam of the University of Sydney Medical School in Sydney, Australia, said the results suggested the cause of elevated LDL cholesterol may stem from its ability to form high cholesterol particles, but not a lack of lipoproteins.

For both the cardiovascular risk and the inflammatory conditions associated with hypertension, he explained Higher cholesterol levels may make things a little more difficult on the immune system by slowing the secretion of proinflammatory mediators, which can increase inflammation and trigger inflammatory responses, and which may contribute to obesity and obesity-associated neurodegenerative diseases.

McAdam added that some researchers believe the LDL cholesterol increase might stem from other factors - such as inflammation.

A study this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association linked increased LDL cholesterol to increased mortality among pregnant women in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. A similar trial in the Journal of the American Medical Association also showed that those who were being given liposuction diets had increased rates of cancer and diabetes.

But researchers from Australia and in Sweden also believe that LDL cholesterol may have a role in the risk for various conditions, like obesity and diabetes.

Cancer and diabetes

The studies in the new study examined the risk of two types of cancer, each linked to increased risk of both of these conditions.

The people with the highest levels of CVD, and those with an elevated level of inflammatory markers in their blood, had the most risk of both cancer and diabetes, because they had higher HDL cholesterol levels, which helps to form high-cholesterol particles in the bloodstream.

The high-cholesterol levels associated with this increased risk had no effect on risk for other, more serious diseases such as heart disease or Type

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