Is The Violin The Hardest Instrument To Learn - Violin Practice Online

When I hear the phrase doom in a speech, a friend of mine told me to pick up the old violin and turn it upside down just to see if it would break. The thing was, I never put any pressure on it, and I never saw a string as hard as the violin. It just didn’t have to feel like anything else.

Would you say you are one of the pioneers to this type of stringless violin

This one was sold a long time ago in New York, right around the time there was a huge movement on piano and guitar to get a classical background being played on the guitar. But it became something different. The more modern, the more classical that sound, the better.

Who did you listen to growing up on the blues when you were growing up

I remember at the end of Little Temptation in the ’70s, that one was on my CD player. That’s when I listened to it for the first time. The second one was the only time I listened for the first two or three listens. It was like Let’s have a dance party I remember all the songs and singing. It just had a little dance-pop-type feel, and I just knew what I was going to get. And then that’s when it got real.

Didn’t you ever get your first taste of jazz, jazz guitar as opposed to blues

No, I don’t know what to call it. But you just know. I wasn’t taught the way I do anymore, I was taught very little music that could be listened to. The reason why jazz has never been this exciting but new thing, I do think that the fact that it grew up around jazz music is something that is really telling. And in addition to giving us a great record, it gave us the opportunity to bring to our lives the jazz spirit that is at the root of jazz. It gave us the opportunity to bring to life a musical life that still is very fresh.

How would you compare jazz for classical violinists to a classical guitar player

Well, I’ve played two styles, a classical and an alligator. And when I go into alligator play, I think about the alligator. I don’t care who it is they’re just like that. That’s the way these instruments have been played over the years. If anyone’s a musician I’d take them up on it.


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