Who Is The World'S Fastest Rapper - Flocabulary Songs

Oh, and the best hip-hop albums of all time That’s really gonna be crazy. You’re gonna be watching what I’m doing.

I always thought that I was gonna be pretty smart. I thought I was gonna run things on the little-boy club that has grown up around the corner.

What was the worst experience of your six months on that plane

You’re like two guys who got up in 5 seconds and put a load on a jet plane and got off. Then you go and you come back to work in 2 minutes or something. We were doing a concert, and they have all of their songs up in a new little box.

What was the most humiliating part of that day

The most humiliating part of that whole trip is the fact that the first day, we were all working out. That was so humiliating. I think it’s one of the most humiliating things in my life. I get mad at myself for not being able to see the light when I’m in that box.

Were you a little nervous for what was to come

Well What I mean, I didn’t give anybody any warning to not be serious I was scared to the point of panic, but once I got up on my feet and got out in front of the light, this was my favorite. This was so exciting.

You have two songs this week. Can you talk about them

I’ll just say that I’ve always kind of been a big fan of those two. I think it’s like, The only thing that ever came to mind when I was a kid is like a song called ‘The D.S.A.T.S.L.’ which you read). That kid, his mom was the one who did it.

Why did you choose ‘The D.S.A.T.S.L.’ over ‘The B.Y.N.’ song’

Well, I wanted it to be like the B.Y.N. song, How are the people going to survive. That was my favorite song. I thought it was one of those songs that had a pretty high-energy, I gotta go out on this kind of vibe. Now that’s what B.Y.N. is, I gotta go out on that.

Why ‘The B.Y.’

If someone asked me the same question before, I would have

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