Who Is The Best Korean Rapper - How To Freestyle Rap

Is there a rapper in the world that will tell you you’re a better artist who is better than them I mean, I can make it sound like an idiot to everybody (laughs). But I’ve got a bunch of stuff on my mind. I’ve learned a lot and I’m ready for it.


You say the MMA is like a film in this way.

Yeah, because it’s really very cinematic.


The only way I can show you the full story is if you watch the film. I was a little bit worried about that before I started making. I said ‘You know what, if you watch this, you’ll see if any of the movies you’ve seen are really funny.’ I’d just like to say thank you to the people who watch, who are making these kinds of movies. I was hoping that I could do this thing.

But the reality is, it’s very difficult to find someone who can make a film that’s really good to watch. There’s a lot of stuff you don’t know. And that’s something that’s impossible to take for granted. You can’t imagine that. You can’t imagine that if you watched the movie I’d be the best rapper in the world. To me, this would be kind of my last true hope.

So who is your favorite rapper

The main thing I hate is rappers with an average MC. I hate anyone who has ever worked with him. Because he looks at this movie as a documentary on how this country’s culture changed and didn’t come to light. And there’s a guy who’s like a rock star, he’s looking this guy down and thinking like, ‘Why does this guy know this shit That’s not me at all.’ I don’t wanna take this man’s shit with an open mind. That’s like what I’m trying to do.

Is everybody watching you on Instagram a racist

Yeah. I think we’re the same people in the hood that were living in this hood where they were eating beef. I don’t say that in my film. It’s just me, and the way people approach rap is really bad. And it all began with that. So when you see him on the internet I think, ‘If you know how to see him on Instagram, you can make this movie into an award-winning movie.’


And on the Internet he had an incredible life.

how to freestyle rap, everything you need to know about rapping, how to rap fast, why is it hard to rap, book of rhymes: the poetics of hip hop