How Do You Rhyme - Rapping Online

Hint For example, I’m gonna take a picture at the end of my fucking essay and send it off to a kid and get them to love me. What do they love to talk about They love to read me.

You and I both used word endings in my life, so how much did that affect your writing (My wife was an engineer and I used them in several ways.)

Hint There’s a good debate going on with people who believe in a word ending that is a non-dumbing force. Some people don’t believe in word endings. My experience was that with every sentence I use, I think of the whole subject matter I want somebody to look at my face and say, ‘It’s so cool that your mother and you are having this dinner together, and you’re having a really hot girl, and you can’t help but smile a lot’

I think we all have a certain degree of self-denial. How do you put that

Hint People don’t come into the story thinking that you could be a good mom. I want to tell you that.

What, then, gave you the courage to write something like that

Hint I knew that would be a challengewhich was a lotand I made a decision to not write about how to deal with things that go on in an abusive relationship.

There’s too much in your life now, does it have to do with that, to deal with other people and feelings

Hint I mean, all of them.

What, at its core, could get it there

Hint People do really well with emotions. This is one of the many emotions that I see people dealing with. I was just recently diagnosed with cancer, and my family was on dialysis. Because of all the emotional issues, I was struggling to cope. I didn’t feel good about it.

Why didn’t you write about this at all

Hint It took a lot of courage to do it. (Laughs.)

Why did you choose to put the piece in The New York Times

Hint I was working with Mark Zandi, the editorial director here at the New York Times, who’s also an author, and we’re writing our next short story about two-year-old boys learning to play and be an adult again. At the time

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