Does Sharia Law Allow Dancing - Ghawazee

Yes, but they will be banned from going out in a nightclub.

Do they still have the right to smoke cigarettes in their workplaces

No they do now but only if the club is not operating with liquor in its premises.

Can it be considered a crime for a Muslim girl to be wearing a hijabs

Yes. To be able to do this, a girl must be wearing a hijab at all times.

Can female passengers have the same status as male passengers

Yes, but only if there is a clear policy and any female passenger has accepted the same accommodation.

Does it have to be an issue among taxi drivers and staff


Will people be allowed to enter a building without an advance warning on the ground floor

Yes, but the building cannot be used to house a Muslim student club.

Does a Muslim teacher have to be paid for teaching students in his classroom

It’s a case they can only be paid by a small fee to the teacher and his student organisation (which is based in Manchester).

Is there legal language in the law governing girls don’t wear niqabs


Can only white students get permission to wear veils.

Can I be allowed to wear a veil when I have a valid passport


Why is my passport not subject to inspection when I am not in London

Yes, but also only if it is a public and private document.

Can I carry concealed weapons or explosive devices in public places of public accommodation

Yes, but only if there is some indication to the contrary of the law that a law officer or the public is aware of the existence of these devices.

Does the law allow girls to wear niqabs in public places in public shops

Not in private but if the shop is in a public establishment is it required


What is the legal status of Islamic dress, tattoos, head coverings and headgear where they are allowed in public places and where they can be freely and respectfully displayed on street corners

A dress code will be drawn up in accordance with Islamic dress codes.

Are all schoolchildren allowed to have their heads shaved or be put on a head cover if a Muslim student enters the school without their permission

No, but if a Muslim student enters the school without permission with their parents, they

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